Gary Thompson is the lead consultant and owner at OnMerit Marketing.
With over 29 years of brand design, marketing and strategic planning under his belt, Gary has a proven track record of building the foundations businesses need to scale.
With a reputation as someone who can help businesses research, design and market their products and services, Gary is known for delivering results and helping his clients create the sustainable business they are looking for.
Texas-born born and raised, Gary started his journey into the world of design and marketing as a college student working for a rodeo supply company. After three years he was ready to move on to the next phase and he took a job at a large ad agency in Dallas. In his eight years with the company, he worked as both a designer and production manager, with a team of designers under him.
Feeling passionate about what he was doing but lacking the flexibility to steer the direction of the work he was doing for the company, Gary decided to start his own side business. After several years of running his own design business on nights and weekends, he decided it was time to strike out on his own full time, and now the rest is history.